Dr Damian Muñoz

Dr Damian Muñoz
Curso mínima invasiva south beach

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Cifoplastia en el manejo del dolor por fracturas vertebrales

La nucleoplastía, una alternativa a la cirugía para la hernia discal

#SabíasQue la nucleoplastia es una técnica exclusiva para las hernias pequeñas

Nucleoplastía Percutánea C4-C5

Conoce de que trata la cirugía mínima invasiva de columna vertebral

Artículo de cirugía de la columna mínima invasiva Medi Salud monográfico especial "La Vanguardia" 22/09/2014

Cervical Herniated Disc Symptoms and Treatment Options

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Chronic Pain Demographics


Chronic Pain Demographics

Statistical snapshot includes race, residence, education, income, and employment status

From mid-August 2013 through October, 764 qualified participants completed the Chronic Back Pain in America survey. All are residents of the United States. Approximately, 67% were female and 33% were male. Forty percent (40%) were aged 40 to 54 and 37% were 55 to 64. Patients aged 65 to older than 75 years was about 16%. Patients between the ages of 25 to 39 made up about 7% of the survey completers.
Race: Approximately 90% of respondents were Caucasian, 4% Black/African American, and 4% Hispanic/Latino.
Residence: With the exception of Hawaii, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington DC, and Wyoming, results from all states were obtained.
  • The states with the greatest percent of patients with chronic back pain were Florida (9%) and California (8%).
  • Forty percent (40%) live in suburban areas, 31% in a city, and 29% in rural regions.
Education: Approximately 24% reported some college, 20% a Bachelor or equivalent, 16% an Associate or equivalent, 16% high school, about 13% Master or equivalent, and 8% technical school.
Income: Twenty-nine percent (29%, blue section) indicated an annual household income of less than $25,000.
Work Type: The responses included current or past work performed. "Other" included a wide variety of employment and included accountant, artist, driver, firefighter, and rug tufter.
Employment Status: Thirty percent are retired, 25% work full-time, 18% collect disability, 6% work part-time, 4% are on medical leave, and 15% reported "other." Two percent (2%) are full-time or part-time students that work, or volunteers.
  • Of the 15% that reported "other" as their work status, 52% cannot get disability, are filing for disability, refiling for disability, waiting for disability, or on disability.
"Sick" Days: During the past 12 months, 255 survey participants reported chronic back pain as a cause of missed time from work. Sixty-three percent (63%) missed up to 5 days, 16% up to 10 days, 5% up to 15 days, and 15% more than 15 days.
Job Loss: Approximately 55% of 399 survey respondents answered "yes" to the question, "Did you lose a job because of chronic back pain?" Of the jobs lost, 88% were full-time and 12% were part-time.
Discrimination: Thirty-one percent (31%, n=764) indicated they think they were discriminated against because of their chronic back pain, 46% replied "no," and 23% indicated "maybe."
Updated on: 03/05/14

Causes of Chronic Back Pain Summarized


Causes of Chronic Back Pain Summarized

Ninety-five percent (95%) of 758 adult patients reported pain in the lumbar and/or sacral regions, 47% cervical and 33% thoracic. Deeper into the survey results, it was revealed that 360 patients reported chronic pain in the cervical region, 248 in the thoracic region, and 719 in the lumbar/sacral regions. Many patients who took the survey have chronic back pain in more than one region, although the percentages are not known from the results of this study.
Symptoms by Region of the Spine
Shooting Pain57%58%70%
Muscle Spasms67%75%70%
Radicular Pain70%64%68%
Movement exacerbates symptoms69%76%70%
*Cervical: 76% of patients reported headache
*Thoracic: 34% of patients reported bowel and/or bladder dysfunction
*Lumbar/Sacral: 72% of patients reported hip pain/discomfort, 58% reported sacroiliac joint pain, 67% reported buttock pain, 70% reported thigh and leg pain, 58% sciatica, and 30% bowel/bladder dysfunction.
Pain Descriptions by Region of the Spine
Pain DescriptionsCervical
Mild, minor1%1%1%
Very intense17%26%20%
Extremely intense10%9%9%
Worst imaginable4%2%3%
Causes of Chronic Back Pain
Survey participants (n=764) were given a list of 14 possible causes of chronic back pain, and asked, “What do you think started your chronic back pain?” Participants were allowed to check all causes applicable to their individual chronic back pain.
Most Common Diagnoses Related to Chronic Spine Pain
Bulging Disc46%37%44%
Degenerative Disc Disease68%64%66%
Herniated Disc39%30%43%
Spinal Stenosis41%31%43%
The most prevalent comorbidities (n=764) were depression (53%), anxiety (45%), and high blood pressure (44%).


Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection Video


Epidural Steroid Injections and Osteoporotic Fracture Risk


lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

A Video Guide to Lumbar Osteoarthritis


sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Obesity and Degenerative Disc Disease


martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Can Internet Information on Vertebroplasty be a Reliable Means of Patient Self-education?

Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Interventional Tumor Removal for Metastatic Spinal Tumors and Malignant Vertebral Compression Fractures

Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment for Compression Fractures


Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment for Compression Fractures

Vertebral compression fractures are generally caused by trauma, weakening of vertebra or osteoporosis. Treatment for Compression fractures are done through Surgical and Non-surgical Techniques. Non-surgical procedure involves use of pain medication, which can relieve the acute or chronic pain due to collapsed fractured vertebra. Surgical procedure involves percutaneous treatment for compression fractures through Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty. Now, we will learn all these procedures one by one.

Non-surgical treatment of Compression fractures

Pain medications are very helpful for the treatment of compression fractures. Pain medication can relieve nerve, muscle or bone-to-bone pain. Antidepressant, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Narcotic pain medication are few example of pain medication for treatment of compression fractures. Drugs, which help in increasing the density of bone or increasing the strength of bone, are also helpful in treating compression fracture. This is considering as critical part for the treatment of compression fracture. For acute pain, bed rest is best to keep the density of bone getting worse...

Spine Injury Fracture review by KBNI serving Houston, Katy, Sugarland, Woodlands, Memorial City, Kingwood


Spine Injury Fracture review by KBNI serving Houston, Katy, Sugarland, Woodlands, Memorial City, Kingwood

spine, injury, fracture, Houston, Katy, Sugarland, Woodlands, Memorial City, Kingwood
spine, injury, fracture, Houston, Katy, Sugarland, Woodlands, Memorial City, Kingwood
A spine injury  fracture is typically a serious injury that occurs when the integrity of the vertebrae (bones of the spine) is compromised, either by physical trauma or by a medical condition like osteoporosis (low bone density). Physicians use three main classifications for spine injury fractures in order to document the pattern of injury: 1) flexion fracture pattern (when one side of the vertebra loses height, usually from a fall from height), 2) extension fracture pattern (when the vertebra is pulled apart, such as in a car accident), and 3) rotation fracture pattern (severe rotation of the vertebra and surrounding soft tissues). A spinal injury fracture may also be further classified based on whether it ishas affected the integrity of the spinal cord...

El uso continuado de zapatos de tacón y ropa ajustada contribuye a aumentar las patologías de columna vertebral

Large Joint Osteoarticular Infection Caused by Mycobacterium arupense



Large Joint Osteoarticular Infection Caused by Mycobacterium arupense

Adam Seidl, MD; Bennie Lindeque, MD, PhD
Large Joint Osteoarticular Infection Caused by Mycobacterium arupense Read more